Story Time

Hey guys. For today's blog, I'll be telling ya'll about few of my close friends from school :)
Ya'll must be wondering, who were the people around Lyndon during secondary school. Are they famous? Are they smart or dumb? Are they robots/aliens😂? Well keep reading cause I'll be telling ya'll about them.

So.... this is my squad..
We first met during form 4, when the school separated us according to our PT3 results. Somehow, just somehow, we sat together for the next 2 years. Slowly we get to know each other and learn about who is who in the group. So lets start.
First and foremost, this is Kimbbely, Abel for short. She's the mother of the group. Whenever there's an argument, she'll be the one to say "suda² la tu bergaduh, bukan dpt duit juga". And yes, that will break the argument, works everytime👌🏼. She is very smart. Great personality. And like all mothers she's never on anyone's side, she's always neutral to all her children😂.
Next up is Laiwefatra, Patra for short. She's very different from all of us, different in a good way.. She is the smartest in the group, addmaths😂💪🏼. She talks a lot, like a lot, even our teachers sometimes gave up when she starts to argue with them about the answers, especially when we discuss on our exam papers🤷🏼‍♂️😂This girl loves challenges. Whenever there's a group project, she'll be the leader and look for the hardest topic, but we manage to pull it through together😂.
Next, we have Abigail, Gail is what we call her. She is the shy one in the group, as the rest of us like to do silly stuff, she's the first to disagree to everything we about to do. But, she will do whatever her cousin tells her to do. Few of us gave up on Accounts, she kept strong and pulled through. Good for her😂👍🏼. Recently she just got back from Manila and we hope she's in good health and not bring the corona with her😂😂just kidding.. How this girl is in our group is because in class, she has no other close friends, so her cousin dragged her to be with us instead😂😂But putting all that aside, she's the calm one in the group. She is the reason on why the group is calm sometimes.

The previous girl, I mentioned about her cousin, well this is Natasha, the cousin😂.. We call her Joy because thats what people been calling her since a kid, so yeah.. And also, thats her name too😂Just like her name, she is filled with joy but in this world, in every joy there is the not so joyful part of it. She's the alpha in this group, eventhough an alpha requires a guy, but she's the alpha😂Whenever we go for recess, she got people buying food for her and there's already people booking our normal seats for her😂weird but true.. She is the aggressive one in this group, but with all the aggression in her, everyone in the group knows that she has a soft spot which we do not want to bother🙂She is very nice, sometimes, ONLY when she needs help from us. Only when she needs something, then she'll be nice😂but its okay, we've all been there.

Last but not least is MOHD SYAIFUL FIRDAUS BIN ZUMRI ATIM, epul for short😂.. This is my other half in school, wherever I go, he's there for sure.. He's the reason why we're always laughing till our stomach hurt.. He's the joker in the group.. Epul is ladies man, he may dated many girls in the past but Im pretty sure he left that past behind and is ready to tackle a new challenge😂He is not the smartest in the group, but when it comes to Maths, he's like a human calculator but still needs a calculator.. He's never the one to compete about academics but when it comes to sports, he's already a winner.. He plays football, a left winger to be exact.. He's small but he's like a cockroach, just like Lionel Messi.. He told us he wants to play for the national team but thank God he woke up and continued his studies.. STPM chaiyooo💪🏼💪🏼

None of us wouldnt be who we are today if it wasnt for all of our contributions in helping one another. We have different abilities and disabilities but we help each other where we can. We promised each other that we will graduate together one day..  

So we did ;) As we all went our separate ways to furthering our studies, we still keep in touch over the years and hoping one day we'll meet again after all this hectic happening in this world..

That is all for now, so I hope u guys read it from top to bottom cause by now, u should know about my friends.. 

Why I didnt put myself in is because I'll be doing another blog about me😜so stay tune😂

Thanks for reading ✌🏼✌🏼


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