Budak Lelaki ke Kadet Laut Dalam.(Part 3) (last part)


Yep .. so fast right?? I already want to finish my story of becoming a Kadet Laut Dalam well known as ALAM's Cadet. Well this is much like a marathon to complete my task actually cause I have a bit time to finish it.

Alright, lets beginn...  So, I have spend my vacation time at my hometown with lepaking(hanging out) and work with.. of course with my beloved family.. but sometimes with my old friends also..hehehehe..Well lets make it short.

On June, I received a call from the Maritime Academy of Malaysia's Staff that I've been selected to become a sponsored student with one of the most known shipping company in Malaysia which is EagleStar . At that time I just waked up from my sleep  at 9 am because of my phone was ringing..then I answered it.. Suddenly A voice said "Tahniah anda telah terpilih untuk di taja di bawah Syarikat Perkapalan Malaysia iaitu Eaglestar" .. I was like.. blurrr.. then I suddenly shock..hahaha can't explain that..  Siapa yg tak blur bila tiba orang call kau bila kau bangun tidur kan.. Staff yg call aq masa tu dah nak marah dah sbb aq asyik2 tanya benda sma kat dia.. hahaahha  and the end, I tell him the truth that I just waked upp ..HAHAHAHA.

Well Yeah that's me together with Young Op that I never expected that they also joining ALAM together with me and also... I am bald...again..  Also, these was my  first day of joining ALAM. This also the place where I dream  and wish to be at for continuing my study.

(This picture was taken in front of our Library well known as Resource Center)
Nothing much to say, I am so glad to have them as a part of my family.  

(This is a few of my classmates that selected to be a flag men and women on our daily morning assembly)
 Actually, everyday we are having a Morning Colors ( morning assembly) where we have to sing our National Song, Jalur Gemilang and have a speech also a lot of advice from our beloved Regimental Officer.

Finally that's me as a... yeah.. A Class Leader known as Platoon Leader.
I hope I can tell a lot of my life journey stories to you readers.. but sadly.. I don't have enough time.. I have to think and elaborate more idea in developing a new entries for my blog and also my semester assignment.

....................Dengan itu, ku sudahi dengan Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...............


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