Self Realization.

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! So for this week's blog, I am keen to share with you about my about ups and downs during  my school years, both primary and secondary school. Fun fact, both of  my school is so near to my house, like literally just few meters away from my house. I can just walk there everyday. Just imagine if I skip any of my school days, chances to get caught by my parents are very high.

First and foremost is my primary school, Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 ( KLUSTER ). From standard 1 until standard 3, I was in placed in a class called Cempaka. Then in standard 4, the whole school  had to remodel all classes, and I was change to class 4 Anggerik. And in standard 5, i was placed in 5 Dahlia (the class that I won first place football inter class competition) and lastly, in standard 6, i was placed in 6 Cempaka. During the last year in my primary school, I just managed to get 2A and 3B in my UPSR. At that time, I felt like a total failure because I was aiming to continue my studies in a boarding school but obviously I did not pass the requirement. Starting from that day, I promise myself to do better in my PT3 to achieve my ambition.
Galeri - Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3
(source: google)

SMK JALAN 3, located next door to my primary school. It was quite well known for its disciplinary problems there which many assumes it'll effect the students' studies. I, object. It really depends on our intention when attending the school to learn or to make problems or people called it niat. Alhamdulillah, I chose the 'datang ke sekolah untuk belajar' intention. But, huh, I gotta admit that despite putting countless effort in scoring the paper, from form 1 until form 3, my mindset was just go to school and come back home, and that's all. I ended up getting 4A 2B 2C 2D during my PT3. I remember the day the PT3 result came out, most of my family members were following me to get my results and I felt very dissapointed with my result. I remember I went to the toilet, cried my heart out alone until my brother came and comfort me, telling me not to give up.
Image may contain: 9 people, including Muhammad Thaqif Hamidi, Asiah Dahalan, Auni Haziqah Hamidi, Hamidi AHasan and Adlina Hamidi, people smiling, people sitting and indoor
( PT3 results day)
During my form 4 and form 5, I realized that study is essential no matter what. Based on my PT3 results I have been chosen to take the science stream which include addmaths, chemistry, physics and biology. After, discussing with my parents and siblings which stream that is fit for me, I decided to change from science stream to science technical stream. From all the science subjects mention before (except for biology) to technical drawing and 'asas kelestarian' subject. Total up, I have 10 subjects. It was 2 years of blood, sweat, tears; so to speak.
No photo description available.

Not too good and not too bad, but amazingly I still managed to pass without fail.

And today I'm pursuing my studies in Nautical Studies in the Akademi Laut Malaysia. Regardless of my results, I'm still starting at level 1 same with my friends who probably got better results than I did in their SPM.

So, what I'm trying to say is,

dia bukan pasal A yang menentukan halatuju hang kemana, dia based on your usaha, how your effort is matter. In fact ada ja orang yang dapat straight A's tapi sampai kat level university dia sangkut and member-member dia yang mana not too good at SPM lepas kat university level. Kadang-kadang orang tersilap pemikiran yang mengatakan "SPM is PENENTU". No, definitely not. Zaman sekarang ada je orang yang takda SPM tapi gaji dia lagi tinggi daripada orang amik SPM. First, usaha, second buat sehabis baik, last baru tawakal. Macam aku, aku agak menyesal dengan result like dari UPSR until SPM, semua macam sama ja, nak jugak rasa dapat straight A's ke apa, but what you do you get back. Sebanyak mana usaha kau letak, sebanyak tu yang kau akan dapat in return. It takes time bagi aku untuk terima kenyataan itu dan alhamdulillah sekarang masih melanjutkan pelajaran.

First, kau belajar kerana Allah. Second, kau berjaya apa semua bukan sebab nak menunjuk, impact dia lepas kau berjaya either kau terus mendongak langit dengan kejayaan kau atau kau nak share ilmu kau mengajar orang yang perlukan pengajaran. Kadang-kadang, lepas kau belajar sesuatu tu, ada orang tanya kau soalan, better untuk jawab, usaha untuk jawab even tak tahu. Ilmu yang kita dapat, kita ajar dekat orang lain lagi melekat daripada kita simpan ilmu tu sorang-sorang. Third, kau belajar untuk menyenangkan kehidupan ibu bapa kau, they have spent their life for us, especially money. Kalau nak kira dari baby sampai kau dapat pekerjaan tetap, tak terkira. Serious. Niat yang ketiga, serapkan dalam diri, ingat dekat ibu bapa kita yang kat rumah always mendoakan kita. Last, live the life man, jangan asyik terkongkong dengan buku. Seimbangkan masa belajar and masa bermain. A wise word form my father "there's a world out there waiting for you to taste".

That's all from me. Thank you and have a nice Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. Stay Safe.

Image may contain: ‎1 person, ‎standing, ‎possible text that says '‎جالنز يغسأن منغه سحكوله O SMC SMK JA TIGA 43650 BAND RU BANGI SELANGOR L EHSAN‎'‎‎‎


  1. true anwar, grades dont determine your self worth. the most important is how much effort you have put in. hehe wish you all the best!!


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