Kecil-kecil Cili Padi

Assalammualaikum and hi, after a few weeks of not updating the blog, for today's topic I would like to tell my experience being a volleyball coach. I started playing volleyball during my primary school at the age of 8.
The main reason I went for volleyball selection during my primary school is because I want to check wether true or not that my sister (Nurul) went to the volleyball training at SK JALAN 3 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. Because she always went early from Sekolah Agama and I am quite jealous with that. All of sudden, I was selected to play for school team. After two years of training,

(Anugerah Kokurikulum)
(Most valuable player)

I won this title and I found that I volleyball is my passion. Then I continue playing this sport at my secondary school level which was SMK JALAN 3 Bandar Baru Bangi.

(Anugerah Kokurikulum Terbaik Bola Tampar)
And during my last year, the school did not sent volleyball team to participate in state competition because they do not have enough money to sponsor us. Some of my teammates can accept it and some quite stress because we already train a month before the competition. We got the news just few days before the gameday from Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum. I take that in positive way, I also feel grateful because I can focus more on my studies. Next year, I came to school to help in their training because the captain (Iyad) ask me a favour to train them. Me and my friend (Izz), we volunteered ourselves to be their coach for the upcoming tournament. My main reason just because that I do not want them to be same as me during my last school year. We went and meet the Principal and Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum to ask if there are any budget for the volleyball team that year. I still remember how the principal replied,
 "kita tak ada peruntukan nak hantar sebab tahun lepas tak ada hantar team.Saya tak tahu kalau group bola tampar ni boleh menang tak.Baik tak payah hantar". And thats triggered me.

Me, Izz and my mother, we try to find solution for this problem. Gratefully, my mother was  ex-MRSM student studied in MRSM Kuantan. The one who graduated from MRSM called as ANSARA. My mother try to contact her friends from ANSARA and explained about our plan. And thankfully to all the sponsors, we eventually had enough money to pursue in this tournament.

(during first match)
Other than that, I get to learn the proper rule about the volleyball tournament. I learnt how to handle my players when they in nervous mode, learnt how to put them in their right position and so on.

(during the 3rd and 4th place match)
They lost in their quarter final match and continue with the 3rd and 4th place match.I was not there when they played because I worked that day.

(after came back from work)
I straight away went to pick up my friend (Izz) after I finish my work shift that day and went to school and meet the boys with their medal. They won 3rd place that day.

(From left Ustazah Aminah and from right Cikgu Ajijah)
The teachers who the one that manage the volleyball team.

The boys were announced to come on stage on the assembly day to receive their medal from the Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum. 
I feel grateful because all my hardwork paid off even though they did not won the first place. In a nutshell, do not ever judge a book by its cover.


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