A man named 'Edison'


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Thomas Edison. A man with life principle which I've hold on in my entire life. A man who created something that very useful and very appreciated by people around the world. A man with a great integrity and has the will  to achieve a success that he always wanted. The man whom I idol.

        Thomas Alva Edison, or short form as Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847, Milan, Ohio. Amongst his brother, he was the seventh child and the last born to Samuel Edison Jr. and Nancy Elliot Edison. Fun fact is he was one of the four to survive to adulthood. He received an education and working on the railroad between Detroit and Port Huron, Michigan after he left his school in 1859.

        Edison started to developed telegraph-related product for Western Union Telegraph Company in between 1870 to 1875. As he married to a 16-year-old lovely women Mary Stillwell 1871, his mother died. He then encounter financial difficulties  by late 1875 but with the help of his father , he was able to build a laboratory and a   machine shop in Menlo Park, New Jersey.

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Later that, he invented the carbon transmitter which a device improved the audio quality by making it possible to transmit voices at higher volume and more clarity. At that same year, he also invented the phonograph, which recorded sound as indentation on a sheet of paraffin-coated paper. Amazingly, the device makes an entrance to the public even though it took years before it could be sold and sold commercially.

In 1878, Edison started to invent a safe, non-expensive electric light to replace a gaslight which used commonly at the time. In order to continue his research and invention, he need a tremendous amount of money and with the help of J. P. Morgan and The Vanderbilt family, Edison set up the 'Edison Electric Light Company'. He made a move by creating a bulb with platinum filament in October 1879 and continue on summer by using a carbonized bamboo as an alternative for the filament, which proved to be the key for the long lasting and affordable light bulb.

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Edison lighting system were used in acclaimed events as The Paris Lighting Exhibition in 1881 and the Crystal Palace in London 1882. Arise his competitor, notably George Westinghouse, a proponent of alternating or AC current. In 1889, AC current came to dominate the field and the Edison General Company merged with another company to become General Electric Co.

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In August 1884, Edison's wife died and Feb 1886, he remarried Mirna Miller. He built a large estate and research laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey. He began to work toward zoetrope, a device that strung together a series of photographs as the image appeared moving. With the help of William K. L. Dickson, he succeeded invented the Kinetograph and a viewing instrument, the Kinetoscope. 

After years of heated legal battle with his competitor in fledging motion-picture industry, he stopped working with moving film by 1918. He has success invented an alkaline storage battery which worked on his phonograph but later supplied to submarine and electric vehicle. 

In 1912, Henry Ford asked Edison to design a battery for the self-starter which be iconic on the Model T.

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He continue working in his 80s. His rise from poor, uneducated railroad worker to the one of the famous men in the world. This is why I admired him so much with his determination and hardwork to make something on this work. He died in Oct 18, 1931 and he had an amassed of record of 1093 patents: 389 for electric light and power, 195 for phonograph, 150 for telegraph, 141 for storage batteries and 34 for the telephone.

Thomas Edison is one of the greatest man lived on Earth. He invented something that people use from the old days until now. A huge invention requires a huge will to do it. He did not stop when he faced any challenges and he keeps on coming with lots of invention . A man with a strongest will. A man who knows what to do with his life. A man named 'Thomas Alva Edison'


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