
Showing posts from February, 2020

Adventure to Gua Batu Maloi

Hi guys, how you guys doing? Feeling great, eh? Adventure means a lot to me. It makes my blood boiling and my heart exhilarating so much. This kind of activity can make a lot of beautiful memories with your loved one or even your friends. Let me tell you my story going through a body-twisted caves, Gua Batu Maloi. (source: Google) We departed from ALAM around 1600 hrs on Friday. We went there by bus and it took an hour and half to get there. We are a group of 25 people with 5 of our guides which made us 30 actually. We arrived there around 1730 hrs and we assembled near the base camp for a short briefing. At 1745 hrs, we grab our things and put our bags near to the base camp. Then, we were asked to set up all the things like canvas near the kitchen area for our temporary rooftop in case sudden raining. Some of us including me went into the woods to find woods for our campfire later that night.  (We're having a nice barbecue that night and it tastes umphhhhhh..)

Story Time

Its been awhile since I last posted.. sooooo.. Here's what went down yesterday.. Some of us got selected to attend an event somewhere in Tampin. It was the AADK Open Day, it was packed with locals and other colleges/universities students. We left campus around 6:30am and arrived at our location around 8am just in time for the zumba😅so the ones yang tidak tau malu went and joined in, including me.. And the ones yang tau malu, just sat under the tent behind us. They held a some sort of penalty shoot competition there, so my friends and I registered ourselves and called ourselves Panji-Panji Borneo, just because we couldnt think of any other name and yes the three of us are from Sabah. The three of us went on and got 2nd place, competing against 30+ teams.. PROUD :) Got our medals just before we left. While waiting for our medals, the locals did a performance. They also did a marching performance, which the ALAM cadets were impressed with because we basically mar

Takuban Perahu (Part 4)

Hello guys... Untuk entry kali ni masih lagi di bandung Indonesia. So kali ni aku nk bwk korang ke floating market takuban perahu!. Kalau korang jenis yang suka bergambar berselfie ini adalah tempat yg terbaik. Tapi kalo korang sekadar datang ke sini hanya untuk bergambar mmg perlu spend time lebih 3/4 jam la citernya. Entrance fee hanya 10ribu idr kalau di convert kan ke duit Malaysia hanya sekitar RM 3 lebih, murahkan? Dgn tiket tu jugak korang siap boleh tebus air kopi free kot fuhh. Di dalam ni ada kedai cenderamata, ladang arnab dan macam2 lagi. Tapi yang menjadi tarikan utama adalah Sampan2 yg menjual makanan. So... Bila sebut pasal makanan ni, sapa je tak suka betul tak? Dalam ni juga byk makanan pelik2 dan sedap. Antaranya ialah makanan tradisional Indonesia. Harga di sini agak berpatutan sikit. Xde la terlampau mahal atau murah.. Tapi kira boleh laa. Hehehe. Kalau korang jenis suka makan, ini adalah juga tempat yang terboekk untuk korang. Macam2 adooo.

Gone from my eyes but not in my Heart.

Assalammualaikum and hi, so for this week blog, I would like to tell a story about my beloved cats. I do not know why, but it all started from my mom who love to take care of stray cats. Basically cats who came to our house, begging for food and then became part of our family. And my siblings continue the generation of loving the cats. 5 years ago,we got a cat call "Tuxedo"or my sister used to call him as "tuxy boy boy". He's like the cat who always fight with other  stranger cats that came to our house. Other than that, he always pee everywhere or we call as "pancut". It sometimes disturb us because he always aim for the new thing that we bought especially shoes. Some says, "pancut"  to show a reminder to the other cats, that this is his territory. One day, I realize that I have not seen "tuxy boy boy" for three days. Me and my brother search for him to our neighbor house along our street house. After week of searching, w


   Hi guys , how are you? are you guys in doing well? today i want to talk about my adventure to Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM). I'm not really sure to talk about this. By the way, i will talk about this and every content from this blog is from myself and it's the truth when i have been here. First of all , i want to tell about myself first. My name is Fahim Amir. I am 19 years old and i'm from Johor Baharu. I have for siblings which i'm is the third. I have two brothers and one little brother. My first brother is working and the second is just finish his study in diploma logistic and management at polyMetro. My little brother is eight years old. I also have both of my parents and my father work as self employee. My mother was bakery at home . She sometimes make any cake depend on her customer order.   So, today i want to talk my adventure in ALAM which mean why i suppose to be there. The first thing i know about ALAM is from media. Why i said this because when i

Budak Lelaki ke Kadet Laut Dalam.(Part 1)

                    Journey Si Kawan        Yeahhh.. first and foremost.. Assalamualaikum w. b.t lemme introduce ma self yeah..hahaah apaalh... nak speaking konon.. ala2 maat salleh giituuu.. ok..Serious.. Nama aq Razin orang akan panggil aq zin, ajin and Batman.. Dunno why?? later I tell my story okayy.. Nah bgi gmbar sikit supaya kenal ann.. Btw aq yg kat sebeah kiri baju biru yee.. Yg hitam tu tiba2 nk amik gmbr..sesat kataanye🤣(joke)  btw tu member sabah aq.. nma dia don..  Alright, actualy I want to tell you about my background story. I know  it'll be shameful. Apakan daya ni je idea yg terlintas. So, learn to accept it right?  Well, now I am studying at Akademi Laut Malaysia also known as ALAM. But before that I once a Budak Boy well known as Ex RMC or Old Putera (OP) . I know its cliche right, before that I also a deep² inside village boy (ytjt) 😁....I start my journey at age 16 years old where I travelled by my self from Sabah to Peninsular Malaysia, Federal T

Trans Studio Bandung (Part 3)

Okay guys, seperti yang dijanjikan..kali ni di Trans Studio bandung pulak! Ehh apa yang best sgt kat sini? Kalo nk tahu, kene laa bacaa hehehe. Trans studio ni adalah salah satu tempat yg paling popular kat kota bandung ni. Rugi weh tak pergi kalau dah sampai bandung ni.. Untuk yuran masuk ke Trans studio ni, kami dikenakan tiket berharga idr 170,000. Kiranya convert ke duit Malaysia dalam 60 ke 70 ringgit sahaja murah kan? So korang patut cuba!! Ni adalah senarai permainan yg korang boleh cuba : Trans city theater Yamaha Racing Coaster Giant Swing Marvel Superheroes Vertigo Trans Car Racing Si Bolang Adventure Trans Broadcast Museum Science Center Dunia anak Jelajah Kong climb Sky pirates Amphitheatre Captain Black heart pirate ship Negeri Raksasa Dragon riders Pulau liluput Dunia lain Special effects action Sebelum masuk ke dalam, korang akan di hiburkan dgn sedikit persembahan.. So korang boleh laa enjoy dulu sebelum masuk dalam tu. Ni a

Perjalanan ke Bandung (Part 2)

Dari Jakarta nak ke Bandung ada dua cara, Nak naik kenderaan biasa boleh,kereta api pon boleh. Bahana naik kenderaan biasa ialah macet. MACET ialah jemmmmm.. sape suka jem angkat tangan! Orang Jakarta memang suka shopping kat Bandung sebab barang-barang di Bandung jauh lebih murah berbanding Jakarta, tu pak supir aku yang bagitau laaa. Aku sekeluarga sebenarnya pilih alternative menaiki kereta api. Tapi apa kan daya, bahana tak beli tiket awal, sampai je di station gambir dari airport kami terus lah ke kaunter tiket. Sekali tanya, tiket abis daa. Hahahaha aduh pisyang! Yang paling awal pun ada pukul 12 tgh malam beb. Pergh berkicap nk tunggu. Sebenarnya Tiket takdela mahal sangat, dalam Rp90000 je sorang. Kira2 rm30 duit Malaysia. So, apakan daya terpaksa laa cari pak supir utk ke bandung. Sebab apa pergi bandung dulu? Sebenarnya byk aktiviti yang best di bandung. Dan macam yang aku ckp tadi, barangan murah semuanya di bandung. Sebab tulaa kami sekeluarga decide ke sana dulu.